Детские болезни сердца и сосудов

Детские болезни сердца и сосудов

Children's Heart and Vascular Diseases

The Peer-reviewed Scientific and Practical Journal «Children's Heart and Vascular Diseases»

Title: «Children's Heart and Vascular Diseases»

Transliteration: Detskiye bolezni serdtsa i sosudov

The journal was founded in 2003. The journal covers the issues of “Pediatric cardiology” service organization, deals with the history of the specialty, neonatal and pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery, actual problems of diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart pathology and heart rhythm disorders, modern methods of detection and imaging of congenital cardiovascular anomalies of circulatory system, resuscitation and intensive therapy, genetic diseases and infectious complications in infants and children with congenital heart disease. It publishes the peer-reviewed literature reviews, original articles, brief reports on unique cases in clinical practice.

The “Children's Heart and Vascular Diseases” periodical is included in the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific and practical editions recommended by the Higher Attestation Comission for the publication of basic results of candidate and doctoral theses in the specialties: 3.1.4. "Obstetrics and gynecology", 3.1.11. "Pediatric Surgery", 3.1.12. "Anesthesiology and resuscitation", 3.1.15. "Cardiovascular Surgery", 3.1.20. "Cardiology", 3.1.21. "Pediatrics", 3.1.25. "Radiation diagnostics".

ISSN 1810-0686 (Print), ISSN 2410-8855 (Online)

Periodicity: It is published quarterly.

The journal is represented in the following databases:

The journal is indexed in databases:

The magazine is distributed to all leading libraries of Russia through the Russian Book Chamber / ITAR-TASS branch.

Российская книжная палата Российская государственная библиотека

Online subscription


Chief Editor

Leo A. Bockeria, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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