Детские болезни сердца и сосудов

Детские болезни сердца и сосудов

Children's Heart and Vascular Diseases

For Authors

Current Guide was developed on the basis of Recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russian Ministry of Education (VAK), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research (EQUATOR) Network, and Recommendations of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP).

Before submitting an article, please read the information about focus and scope of the journal and Policies section.

All authors of the article must sign the Cover letter form.

I.General rules

By submitting the article all authors agree with following statements.

I.1. Authorship

The authors of the article may be persons who have made a significant contribution to the work of its revision or correction, the final approval for publication, as well as responsible for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript. A person playing some role in the preparation of the article (statistics, language, technical staff, etc.) may be mentioned in the section УAcknowledgmentsФ in Russian, English or both languages.

It is necessary to specify the share of authors (Contribution) in the writing of the article.

Marital authorship is unacceptable. The number of authors of the article must be reasonable: in the original papers without limitation, in reviews 3Ц4 persons. Authors should provide links to profile on http://orcid.org if they have.

For more information about authorship see ICMJE.

I.2. Conflict of interest

The Cover letter form contains the identifying of potential conflicts of interest. The relevant information must be given in an article. If there is no conflict of interest authors must declare it.

More about conflicts of interest at COPE.

I.3. Funding of research and publications

See Policies.

I.4. Plagiarism and secondary publications

The unfair textual borrowing and appropriation of research results that do not belong to the authors of the manuscript is forbidden.

The editors keep the right to verify incoming manuscripts for plagiarism. Every article submitted is checked on originality using services https://www.antiplagiat.ru/ (for texts in Russian) and http://www.plagiarism.org/ (for texts in English). Text similarity of over 20% is considered unacceptable. Articles printed in other journals are not accepted.

I.5. Copyright

See Article submission.

II.1. Article submission

Manuscripts and accompanying documents can be submitted to the editorial board by the following ways:

  • Ц by E-mail izdinsob@mail.ru (text of the article is supplied in Microsoft Word format, accompanying documents with original signatures are attached to the letter in PDF format);
  • Ц by post (1 copy of the printed manuscript with mandatory electronic version (in Microsoft Word format) on CD-ROM, as well as the originals of all necessary accompanying documents).

II.2. Accompanying documents

  • Ц direction letter on the organizationТs letterhead with the seal and visa of the principal (download sample);
  • Ц cover letter with the signatures of all authors (download sample).
  • Ц a copy of the ethics committee conclusion regarding the research (if necessary)
  • Ц the conclusion of the official translation agency on compliance English and Russian texts (for authors who want to publish the full text of the article in Russian and English languages).

III. Manuscript preparing

III.1. Format

The article should be printed in Times New Roman or Arial, font size 12, with 1.5 spacing between lines, all fields, except the left 2 cm wide, the left 3 cm. All pages should be numbered. Automatic hyphenation should not be used.

The entire text of the article should be written in one file (title page, summary, keywords, article text, tables, list of references, information about the authors). The file must be named on the surname of the first author (Surname_Text). The drawings and scanned documents are stored in separate files also containing the name of the first author (Surname_Figure).

The paper should not exceed 18 pages (including illustrations, tables, resume and references).

III.2. Language

Manuscripts from any country in Russian and/or English are accepted. If the article is written in Russian, the translation of metadata in the English language is compulsory (names of authors, the official names of authors institutions, addresses, article title, article abstract, keywords, contact information for the contact author, and References).

Articles of foreign authors in the English language may be published upon decision of the Editor-in-Chief without translation into Russian (with the exception of the title, abstract and keywords) or with the full or partial translation (titles and captions to figures, tables).

III.3 Front page

Front page contains:

  1. Names of authors;
  2. Article title;
  3. The official names of authors institutions;
  4. Postal addresses;
  5. Information about each author required for processing in Russian Science Ctation Index: full name (in English block in transliteration), academic degree, title and position, and also ORCID ID;
  6. Information for citation;
  7. E-mail address of the contact author.

If there are several authors, the names of each and respective institution are indexed. If an author has several jobs, each is denoted by a separate index.

The front page is duplicated in English.

A sample of an article design

Ёѕ»ƒ≈ћ»ќЋќ√»я ¬–ќ∆ƒ≈ЌЌџ’ ѕќ–ќ ќ¬ —≈–ƒ÷ј » ѕ”“» ќѕ“»ћ»«ј÷»»  ј–ƒ»ќ’»–”–√»„≈— ќ… ѕќћќў»

 .ќ.  ириллов 1, ¬.¬. Ќачинкин 1, ј.».  им 2, ».ј. ёрлов 2

1 √Ѕ”« Ђ¬олгоградский областной клинический кардиологический центрї, ”ниверситетский пр-т, 106, ¬олгоград, 400008, –оссийска¤ ‘едераци¤;
2 ‘√Ѕ” ЂЌациональный научно-практический центр сердечно-сосудистой хирургии им. ј.Ќ. Ѕакулеваї (директор Ц академик –јЌ и –јћЌ Ћ.ј. Ѕокери¤) ћинздрава –оссии, –ублевское шоссе, 135, ћосква, 121552, –оссийска¤ ‘едераци¤

 ириллов  ирилл ќлегович, аспирант, orcid.org/0000-...;
Ќачинкин ¬алерий ¬икторович, зам. главного врача, orcid.org/0000-...;
 им јлексей »ванович, доктор мед. наук, профессор, заведующий отделением, orcid.org/0000-...;
ёрлов »ван јлександрович, канд. мед. наук, вед. науч. сотр., кардиохирург, orcid.org/0000-...

 лючевые слова.

ƒл¤ цитировани¤:  ириллов  .ќ., Ќачинкин ¬.¬.,  им ј.»., ёрлов ».ј. Ёпидемиологи¤ врожденных пороков сердца и пути оптимизации кардиохирургической помощи.  линическа¤ физиологи¤ кровообращени¤. 2016; 13 (1): ...

ƒл¤ корреспонденции:  ириллов  ирилл ќлегович, E-mail: k.o.kirillov@mail.ru


K.O. Kirillov1, V.V. Nachinkin1, A.I. Kim2, I.A. Yurlov2

1 Volgograd Regional Clinical Cardiological Center, Universitetskiy prospekt, 106, Volgograd, 400008, Russian Federation;
2 Bakoulev National Scientific and Practical Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Rublevskoe shosse, 135, Moscow, 121552, Russian Federation

Kirillov Kirill Olegovich, Postgraduate, orcid.org/0000-...;
Nachinkin Valeriy Viktorovich, Deputy Chief Physician, orcid.org/0000-...;
Kim Aleksey Ivanovich, Doctor Med. Sc., Professor, Chief of Department, orcid.org/0000-...;
Yurlov Ivan Aleksandrovich, Cand. Med. Sc., Leading Researcher, Cardiac Surgeon, orcid.org/0000-...


For citation: Kirillov K.O., Nachinkin V.V., Kim A.I., Yurlov I.A. Epidemiology of congenital heart disease and ways of optimization of cardiac surgical care. Klinicheskaya Fiziologiya Krovoobrashcheniya (Clinical Physiology of Circulation). 2016; 13 (1): ... (in Russ.).

For correspondence: Kirill O. Kirillov, E-mail: k.o.kirillov@mail.ru

Acknowledgments. The authors thank Ivanov I.I. for his help in ... (≈сли есть.)
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest. (ќб¤зательный раздел.)

“екст статьи.

Ѕлагодарности. јвторы выражают благодарность ».». »ванову за помощь в ... (≈сли есть.)
 онфликт интересов. јвторы за¤вл¤ют об отсутствии конфликта интересов. (ќб¤зательный раздел.)
‘инансирование. »сследование не имело спонсорской поддержки (ќб¤зательный раздел.)


Download the front page template

III.4. Abstracts

The abstract should state only the essential facts of the work and should not contain common words. For original articles it is required to structure the abstract following the structure of the article, including objectives, material and methods, results, conclusion. The amount of text in abstract must be strictly between 100 and 250 words.

The abstract should be accompanied with keywords or phrases that reflect the main topic of the article and facilitates the classification in electronic databases.

Abstract and keywords should be presented in Russian and English languages. Keywords in English should be taken from the organized dictionary Medline (MeSH).

III.5. Designe of original articles

The structure of original articles must follow the format IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion).

It is strongly recommended to follow Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT).

Statistical data analysis is presented in Material and Methods.

The presentation and discussion of the results in one section is not permitted.

Results should be clear and concise. Data should be provided in absolute numbers and in percentages, 95% confidence interval (95 CI%) and the value of p should be indicated. Error bars are required at all points of the experimental and calculated data. The text must contain the explaining of the manner in which these errors have been established.

The discussion contain a convincing explanation of the results and show their importance.

III.6. Design of reviews

It is advisable to review drafting according to international recommendations on systematic literature search methods and standards. Abstract of review articles should contain information on search for literature on databases (Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Global Health, CyberLeninka, etc.).

Detailed information regarding the preparation of reviews see at PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses).

III.7. Design of case reports

Case reports designed according to the CARE guidelines take precedence. (The acronym CARE was created from CA Ц the first two letters in case and RE Ц the first two letters in reports.)

III.8. Standards

All terms and definitions must be scientifically valid. Drugs should be given only in international nonproprietary names.

Familial disease naming should be corresponded to the international classification of inherited conditions in humans (Mendelian Inheritance in Man).

The manuscript may be accompanied by a glossary of terms (vague, likely to cause the difficulty while reading). In addition to the common abbreviations of units, physical, chemical and mathematical values and terms (e.g., DNA) abbreviations phrases often repeated in the text are allowed. All letter symbols and abbreviations should be explained in the text at their first occurrence. Reduction of simple words is not allowed, even if they occur frequently. The doses of drugs and units of physical quantities should be given in SI units.

III.9. Requirements for illustrations

General issues
Each image is supplied in a separate file. Files with images must have logical names (Surname_Image1).

Captions to images should be grouped together and given separately.

It is important to use a single system of letter designations and zooming of images.

Images in the text should be sequentially numbered.

Black and white line art: .tiff extension, any program that supports this format (Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, etc.); mode Ц bitmap; resolution 600 dpi (Adobe PhotoShop); it is possible to use LZW compression or other.

Black and white drawings tone (grayscal), color tone drawings (RGB, CMYK).

Format-tiff file (extension .tiff) Resolution 300 dpi (Adobe Fotoshop).

Vector Graphics: extension ai, created in Adobe Illustrator CS6.

If electronic graphic image created in a Microsoft Office application (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), then it should be given in the same format.

Do not send:

  • Ц files that are formatted to display on the screen (e.g., GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG); they tend to have a low resolution and a limited set of colors;
  • Ц files with a very low resolution;
  • Ц three-dimensional images;
  • Ц figures published previously in other works. (The editors reserve the right to verify the figures for plagiarism through Google Images.)

III.10. Figures and photos captions

Figure and photos captions are grouped together and given on a separate page after the list of references (all). Each figure should have a common header and decryption of all acronyms. In the captions to chart it must be indicated designation of the axes of abscissas and ordinates and units and provided an explanation of each curve. The captions for photomicrographs must indicate the color method and magnification.

III.11. Design of tables

The table number is designated above right its name is given below. Abbreviations in the tables are not allowed. All figures in the tables must meet figures in the text. Tables can be given in the text.

III.12. Mathematical formulas

Mathematical equations should be presented as an editable text, not in the form of images. The variables should be marked in italics. Equations should be numbered in order.

III.13. References lists

Vancouver reference style is applied (references are numbered as mentioned in the text not alphabetically).

In original articles, it is desirable to cite no more than 30 sources, in literature reviews Ц 60, in other materials Ц 15. Bibliographic references in the text are indicated by numbers in square brackets.

Ensure that all references cited in the text are present in the reference list (and vice versa).

References should contain works for the last 5 years in addition to the fundamental works. References should be verifiable.

Every scientific fact should be accompanied by a separate reference to the source. If one sentence mentions several scientific facts, a reference is placed after each of them (not in the end of the sentence). If there are multiple references they are given in chronological order, e.g. [5Ц9].

Journal titles must be given in an abbreviated form in accordance with the List of Title Word Abbreviations.

Links to online sources should be reliable and durable. At a minimum, you should give the full URL-address and the date on which a reference was available. Additional known information should be given: DOI, author names, dates, links to publications, and so on.

Do not rely on unpublished, retracted (withdrawn from the press) articles. Self-citations is undesirable, except when it is necessary (in reviews not more than 3Ц5 references).

Do not rely on the thesis and dissertation abstracts. It is better to refer to an article published on the materials of the dissertation research.

Documents (orders, health regulations, guidelines, sanitary rules, federal laws) should not be specified in the reference lists. They should be given in the form of footnotes in the text.

The bibliographic description of the book (after its name): city (place of issue); the name of the publishing house; the year of publication. If the reference is given to the chapter of the book: the authors; title of the chapter; УIn:Ф and the name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s), then the name of the book and the output data.

Bibliographic description of the journal article: author(s); article title; journal title; year; volume; issue number; first and last pages. If there is a group of authors up to 6 people all authors should be mentioned, for large groups of authors 6 first authors and Уet al.Ф In case of referring to the editor(s), after the initials УEd(s).Ф should be put.

When referring to articles that have Digital Object Identifier (DOI), it is necessary to specify it.

Samples of References (English block)

Journal article:

Buzaev I.V., Plechev V.V., Nikolaeva I.E. —linical decision making support for stable ischemic heart disease revascularization strategy in complex cases. Endovaskulyarnaya Khirurgiya (Russian Journal of Endovascular Surgery). 2017; 4 (2): 112Ц24 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24183/2409-4080-2017-4-2-112-124

Zagurenko A.G., Korotovskikh V.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Timonov A.V., Kardymon D.V. Technical and economic optimization of hydrofracturing design. Neftyanoe Khozyaystvo (Oil Industry). 2008; 11: 54Ц7 (in Russ.).

Electronic journal article:

Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B.P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. JCMC. 1999; 5 (2). Available at: http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol5/issue2/ (accessed April 28, 2011).

State report УOn the state of health of the Komi Republic population in 2009Ф. Available at: http://www.minzdrav.rkomi.ru/left/doc/docminzdr (accessed March 22, 2011) (in Russ.).

Book (monography, collection):

Medik V.A. Population morbidity: history, current status and methodology of study. ћoscow: Meditsina; 2003 (in Russ.).

VorobТev A.I. (Ed.) Guide on hematology. 3rd ed. Vol. 3. ћoscow: N'yudiamed; 2005 (in Russ.).

Book chapter

Ivanova ј.≈. Tendencies and courses of Russian populationТs death. In: Osipov V.G., Rybakovskiy L.L. (Eds.) The demograghic development of Russia in XXI century. Moscow: Econ-Inform; 2009: 110Ц31 (in Russ.).

Proceedings of scientific conferences:

Actual issues of hematology and transfusiology: proceedings of scientific and practical conference. July 8, 2009. Saint Petersburg; 2009 (in Russ.).

Salov I.A., Marinushkin D.N. Obstetric tactics for fetal death. In: Proceedings of the 4th Russian Forum УMother and ChildФ. ћoscow; 2000: 516Ц9 (in Russ.).

The author is responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic data.

Manuscripts are sent to:
Leninskiy prospekt, 8-18, Moscow 119049
E-mail: izdinsob@yandex.ru

In case of this rules violation articles we return manuscripts to authors for revision.

Publication in the journal is free of charge for all the authors.

Online subscription


Chief Editor

Konstantin V. Shatalov
MD, PhD, DSc, Professor
Bakoulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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