Article is devoted to the problem of re- surgical treatment of mitral valve (MV) disease in patients undergoing radical correction of atrioventricular
septal defect (AVSD). Review of literature data indicates intensive development problems of diagnosis and prevention of incompetence
after correction MV of AVSD late after surgery. Shows the spectrum of the reasons for the lack of development of MV after previously performed
a radical correction of the defect, as the partial and at its full form. Despite the improvement in the results of primary correction of the defect in
the early and late postoperative complications observed basic of which is the occurrence or progression of disease MV. In most publications
indicate that a detailed assessment of all components of the anatomy of the valve apparatus and the study of its functions are the basis for the
choice of surgical intervention. Despite this, the current literature there is no consensus on the bill when it prosthetics MV failure, especially in
borderline situations. This is due to their experience to correct this defect in each clinic, as well as different age cohorts of patients. Despite the
fact that the implementation of plastic interventions at MV is the method of choice, if his total failure at the time of re-intervention is an indication
for prosthesis that is supported by most authors.
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