In this literature review is the international experience of surgical treatment of patients with transposition of the great vessels (TGA) presented. It presents the historical moments of the study of congenital heart disease. TGA is showed from the anatomical charac- teristics of view, especially detailed options anatomy of the coronary arteries those are a defining critical moment for the surgeon. It allows to determine the surgical approach in respect of a individual patient. The estimation of the most effective methods of correc- tion is done and also is mentioned the most promising maneuvers of defect correction. There is performed an assessment of imme- diate and long-term results of surgical correction of the defect. TGA is a frequent congenital heart disease which is accompanied by a critical condition, progressive hypoxemia and demanding in the early stages of urgent surgery, a comprehensive approach of all car- diac surgery hospital services. It is important thus the diagnosis of TGA may be associated by intracardiac and extracardiac defects. Revealing such factors allows to identify the risk before surgical correction for each individual case.
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