Objective. The Glenn procedure is known as the bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis and usually tends to be done as an openheart
procedure under cardiopulmonary bypass. In this article we present our preferred technique of performing this operation offpump
and comparative results of the Glenn operation under on-pump technique.
Material and methods. In a retrospective comparative study were included 57 patients who underwent from November 2008 to June
2016 bidirectional Glenn shunt operation. All patients were divided into two groups: group 1 included 34 (59.6%) patients with onpump
technique, group 2 had 23 (40.4%) patients who underwent off-pump. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients in
both groups were similar for age, weight and pre-operative physiology in general.
The results. Postoperative complications in the early stages have been identified in the group 1 in 12 (35.3%) patients and in the group
2 – in 4 (17.4%) patients. A risk factor for postoperative complications was increased central venous pressure (CVP) more than
14 mm Hg (p=0.021; odds ratio (OR), 2.18). For patients of group 1 statistically significant influence on the development of complications
had a longer time of cardiopulmonary bypass (p=0.04; OR, 1.23). The right ventricle morphology of a single ventricle presented
as a risk factor for patients in both groups (p=0.04; OR 1.25). Such factors influencing death 1 (2.9%) have not been identified.
Conclusions. The patients with single ventricle physiology can be operated with Glenn shunt by the off-pump technique. The negative
impact on the postoperative period, according to our data, have the following factors: increased time cardiopulmonary bypass,
elevated values of CVP and transpulmonary gradient and right ventricular morphology of the single ventricle. The critical advantages
of Glenn operation with off-pump in comparison with the operation Glenn with on-pump are to be revealed. But undoubtedly, in the
case of the absence of indications for the cardiopulmonary bypass the off-pump option simplifies the procedure of the operation.
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